Sunday, September 21, 2008

Antelope and electric motorcycles

Wanting to listen to a some auto racing on the radio, I mounted the SIRIUS to the bike and went riding for a couple of hours. Not wanting me or my bike to end up like Alfred or his bike after hitting an antelope, I pulled off the road to watch some of them cross the road. I've seen many antelope while out riding and have some photos of them, but no photos of one with the Wasatch Mountains in the background.
Reminded me of last summer when Dave Glenn gave me 3 pounds of antelope jerky as I was passing through Lander, WY.
I was in Lehi, UT. and a riding on a red Kawasaki Ninja went by. On the rear of his bike was lettering that spelled out "Electric". I didn't think much of it. After all, my bike has electricity going on it as well. Without it, I wouldn't be listening to the radio. A minute later and the bike is opposite of me at an intersection. I noticed that something was different. We pass, and I realize that it was an electric motor in place of the gasoline engine on this bike. I turn around to try and catch the rider and check out this contraption, but I never found him. A google search found his website though. Check this out!
More about converting a Ninja to electric here.
If I can get some more garage space, maybe I'll have to build one of these electric motorcycles.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Duchesne Ridge

Bob and Sam invited me along for the afternoon adventure in the Uinta range. While dining in front of the Maverick convenience store in Heber City, UT., we ran into Glenn who related a little about his travels in Africa by motorcycle, earlier in the year. Glenn owns Rocky Road Outfitters and I probably hadn't seen him since we were in the same program during college.

After breakfast we headed east, over the Duchesne ridge, over Soapstone Pass, and ended up at the Road Island Diner in Oakley, UT. for lunch. Riding conditions were great with a little rain and hail to help keep the dust down. Wrangler Bob treated us with a visit to Camp Roger.

Food at the Road Island Diner today was fine. I had the Rueben sandwich with chips. I'd just as soon not have a television at each end of the restaurant, unless something good is on. Golf was on today. They should have just turned the TV off. I almost had decided not to go back to the diner since the last time I was there and all of the patrons were forced to sit through a lousy sitcom on some unheard of, no-name channel.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chalk Creek ride

The Uinta mountains already have snow on the peaks, so we could not waste a great day of weather by not riding. The route took us to Coalville, UT., up Chalk Creek Canyon, to the Whitney Reservoir area in the Uinta range. From there it was on to UT-150 to Kamas.
As the Chalk Creek road climbed, it was more rutted out than I ever remember seeing it. From the puddles in the road, it was obvious that there had been recent precipitation. A few of the aspen where starting to change color at about 9,000 feet.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dinner at the Shooting Star

It was late in the day when we decided that a quick ride was in order. At sundown, we arrived at the Shooting Star Saloon in Huntsville, UT. The Shooting Star is the longest continually operating bar in the state of Utah, opened in 1879. The saloon is known for the famous Star Burger, two beef patties with a knockwurst on top. We settled for the healthier, Mini Star Burger, with only one beef patty.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


GNATSASS 2008 report is started here

Monday, September 1, 2008

Curve Cowboy Reunion

The Curve Cowboy Reunion was being held in Midway, UT. The Cowboys meet up once a year somewhere in the U.S. Most of them ride BMW LT bikes, but I guess they will let anyone in. Even me.
I pulled up on an old beat up Japanese twin bike. I was certain to park at the back of the lot where hopefully nobody would notice me. I only wanted to visit for an hour and spend some money at the vendor area. Even though I wasn't wearing a fancy name badge, there was not a person to stop me. The main vendor that I wanted to see was Mansoor, who owns Roadgear.
He sold me on his coconut socks a few weeks previous and I was looking for another pair. Go to the "socks" section at his site and check them out. They are comfortable, wick great so feet stay drier, and have anti-microbial properties so they stink less.
I also thought that I'd try a pair of gloves that were not held together with duct tape. Mansoor said that his Adaptive-Tec gloves were what I wanted. After a few rides in them, he was correct. Next on my list from Roadgear is one of the AirTec mesh jackets. High quality stuff that has a satisfaction guarantee that you don't find often.